How to Manage Edema After Surgery

by Annie

Did you have surgery and are worried about the swellings on your body? It’s because your body has a protective response against external aggression. Sometimes, because of surgical procedures, your body reacts in the form of swelling to the change, which is often known as edema. Edema can be present in the operated areas, but generally, it’s found in the “ankle” and “calf” regions. Mostly, the swelling occurs after the 3rd day of the procedure, and it can last up to 3 to 6 months. However, you can speed up the recovery process with some easy steps.

Elevate the Affected Area

The edema is basically the fluid that accumulates in affected areas or at the ankle. As the fluid flows downwards because of gravity and when you sit the whole day, the chances of edema increase. Lack of mobility is one of the major causes of edema. However, you can deal with edema by keeping the affected part of the body lifted as much as possible. If you’re dealing with leg swelling, you can lay on or sit on the couch with the legs lifted by some pillows or a side table. You can also try to lift your arm up while lying down on your side so that the flow of fluid is promoted in your arms.

Wear Compression Garments

Compression garments exert a very gentle compression on the affected areas to control swelling. These types of garments help regulate the blood and fluid throughout your body. If you notice any signs of edema in your body after surgery, then you can use compression garments, but first, you have to consult with your doctor about wearing these garments because it can lead to further complications in patients with edema. Your doctor can advise you whether these garments are safe for you or not.

Get a Massage

In case of swellings, getting a massage can really help promote the flow of fluid, and the fluid can be moved or drained away from the swollen area. If you’re dealing with lymphedema then you can opt for Post Surgical Lymphatic Drainage Massage. It involves a sequence of hand movements to redirect the fluid toward the less congested parts of the lymphatic system. This type of specialized technique can drain the excess fluid, which can reduce the edema. However, before taking a step toward massage therapy, look for an experienced professional who specializes in this type of massage to ensure it’s done safely and effectively.

Physical Activity

For edema patients, it’s advisable to have gentle physical activity from day one after the surgery. You can start walking if possible. In the first few days, your walking can be short, but you should walk regularly. When you walk regularly, with time, your walking time and the distance both will increase with reducing the swelling. However, don’t overdo it, and always listen to your body. Having a routine for physical activity is really essential in your recovery as it can facilitate effective drainage of post-operative edema.

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